Syzygy's website is an exploration of “the industry plant” within the music industry.

An industry plant being an artist who, seemingly out of nowhere, achieves great success and attention, despite presenting as independent and from humble origins. Audiences skeptical of this success investigate the artists background, their family members, inconsistencies with their stories, etc., to uncover truths of their level of privilege that far outweigh the resources and support of actual independent artists.

This connecting of dots, these days unfolding on platforms like TikTok, can begin to show resemblance to behaviour seen in followers of conspiracy theories. One of the most iconic examples of a conspiracy theory that has fascinated people for years is that of the existence of aliens and their concealment from the general public by governments like the United States. This theory posits similar truths of covert manipulation, deception, and a cabal of powerful individuals with ulterior motives.

Presenting my industry plants as twin alien brothers seeking total control of the human race by manipulating the music industry with advanced technology, allowed for an exaggerated exploration. Specifically of the capitalist aspects of the industry, and the authenticity of how artists are presented, with the aim of convincing the listener to be a dedicated consumer.

- Tito Rocha